Using Influencers on Social Media to promote your goods and services – new Australian Association of National Advertisers Standard on Clearly Distinguishable Advertising released

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With the increased use of social media, businesses have shifted from more traditional types of marketing and advertising into the digital environment, with integrated or native advertising, blogs and social media forums to promote their goods and services. As a result, businesses are increasingly turning to influencers to play a larger role in their social media strategies as part of their brand campaigns to help increase audience engagement. Consumers can therefore often find it difficult to determine what is advertising and what is not.

In a recently published article, Kathryn Edghill and Amy Cowper look at the new Australian Association of National Advertisers (AANA) Standard. The AANA’s Standard looks to ensure that (amongst other things) the typical consumer is able to distinguish between marketing communications and editorial online content.

The Standard is likely to have a significant impact on businesses that use influencers to promote their goods and services on social media. In response, the article looks at:

  • What type of advertising will the new Standard apply to?
  • What will the Standard mean for those businesses that engage influencers?
  • Tips to help businesses engage influencers comply with their obligations, including their obligations under Australian Consumer Law.

Read the full article here.

This post was written by Kathryn Edghill (Partner, Sydney) and Amy Cowper (Senior Associate, Sydney).

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