Top of the league: How football clubs protect and exploit their brands in a global marketplace

How should a football club maximise the value of its brand?


The 2017/18 Premier League season kicked off on August 11th and the revenues of the league and its football clubs continue to go from strength to strength. Increased broadcasting revenues have already lead to record transfer fees, many teams are spending the pre-season playing international tours in Asia and North America, and clubs have been busy negotiating and announcing a range of new commercial deals.  The combined commercial revenues of the Premier League clubs exceeded £1 billion for the first time in 2015/16.  But when it comes to sponsorship, merchandising and other licensing arrangements, how should a football club maximise the value of its brand?

Rebecca O’Kelly-Gillard and Chris Lavey from our London office explore these questions in their article, specifically looking at:

  • Building a brand in the global market place
  • Protecting the brand
  • Exploiting the brand – licensing
  • Monitoring and enforcing the brand

This piece was written for and first published by LawInSport.  The full article is available to view here.

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