What’s Trending in Media and Sport: Gambling Regulation

In the fourth of our eight part video series on trends across the media and sports sectors, Elizabeth Dunn and Andy Danson discuss the regulatory issues surrounding gambling and how they will continue to be a topic of discussion around the world in 2018.


Starting in early 2017 with the release of the Gambling Commission’s three-year strategy, the UK gambling market has experienced increasing pressure from the Commission itself as well as both the CMA and ASA, including the joint CMA and Commission investigation into consumer terms. This pressure, designed to improve industry standards, has culminated in record fines for British operators. Elizabeth discusses how these developments continue to affect gambling operators in 2018.

Andy, meanwhile, focuses on the international developments we can expect in gambling regulation elsewhere in the world – commenting on developments in Sweden, the Netherlands, Germany, Ireland, Slovakia, Hungary and the USA, among others.

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