What’s Trending in Media and Sport: Fake News & Internet Regulation

In the third of our eight part video series on trends across the media and sports sectors, Tobias Hawksley Beesley and Jane Goodacre discuss fake news and internet regulation, and how they will continue to be major topics of discussion around the world in 2018.


Fake News and the implications of its online dissemination was a major topic of discussion in 2017. In this video, Tobias discusses some of the key measures that are being taken across the world in 2018 to tackle its spread and limit the impact its having on our current social and political climate.

Jane discusses how new expectations for online platforms, which were ushered in at the end of 2017, are being progressed in 2018. In particular, she considers what is being done at an EU and local level to tackle illegal content and online harm via improved internet safety measures and regulation.

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Click here to check out our other “What’s Trending in Media and Sport” videos.

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